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Banking questions in Ethiopia : Mostly Asked Banking Interview Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions and check the possible answers.

1 / 16

Brief me about yourself?

2 / 16

Why do you want to join the banking sector?

3 / 16

What are the types of accounts in a bank?

4 / 16

What are the necessary documents a person requires to open an account in a bank?

5 / 16

What are the types of Commercial Banks?

6 / 16

What is the annual percentage rate (APR)?

7 / 16

What is Amortization and negative amortization?

8 / 16

What is the debt to income ratio?

9 / 16

What is loan grading?

10 / 16

What do you mean by Co-Maker?

11 / 16

How banks earn a profit?

12 / 16

What is the line of credit?

13 / 16

What is a charge off?

14 / 16

 What is a Payday loan?

15 / 16

What is the card-based payment?

16 / 16

What is the payroll card?

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